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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Work work work

Got the core functionality of multi-combat working now - implemented a bunch of new interaction and behavior that doesnt exist in 1v1 fights, such as making the character performing grapple hittable. Fixed various bugs, de-syncs, animation problems, softlocks and crushes. The feature itself is ready, at least for an alpha release of a such a big change.

Whats left is the UI for the new mode. You guys expressed the desire to have an extensive UI option so that is the only thing remaining before the next patch! The player will be able to freely choose up to 8 combatants and pick which team each character is on. So its possible to have things like 2v2, 4v4, or something like 1v2, 3v5, or 1v7. In addition, the player will also have to choice on the victory condition - either via first pin or via eliminating the whole team.

There may be a need to implement enemy/ally indicators and team colors but I am going to leave those for another update. In addition, may need a new entrance/finish scenes for team battles but if I can not whip something quickly for those I am not going to spend too much time on them for the initial release.

I am confident that the patch will be released before the end of this week, probably much sooner depending on how smooth things goes. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Will there be friendly fire, and if so, togglable? I don't know why but I love to just swerve my allies suddenly.

    Also I'm curious on how group victories are, will it just show the defeat team in a pile, will it be a victory pose on each opponent, and remaining victors just do their taunt and remaining losers just lie around close to the victors?
