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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Big wall of text on plot and sex

Aphrodite’s Mark: A powerful effect that the Player starts the game with. Grants “immortality” and increased lustfulness. In addition, when the sexual desire of the player is high, she/he will emit an irresistible aura that will make nearby beings think the same. Henceforth, the player can never be truly killed in combat - for when she/he lacks the strength to continue, the lust aura effect will take over and she will always gain a moment of relief to regain some of her strength. (How convenient.) This is also why many consider this a curse, because all the previous recorded marked ones eventually became slaves to their own lust, and their power and presence caused problems wherever they went.

At the start of the game, the continent is divided into many factions, such as the Empire that the Player starts in. The once peaceful villages on the outskirts of the empire had been affected by Frenzies and transformed into orgy feasts. What’s more, is that this is spreading.

Many parties had been sent to investigate the problem and “samples” were sent back from the infested sites. Despite the best efforts, the cause cannot be determined, let along a cure. Containment, was the only real option.

What's the Player’s role in all of this? Well, conveniently, it was “accidentally” discovered that the player, being a certain special someone, possesses the ability to “calm” those frenzied ones down. So, the Empire decided, almost if to dispose a problem, to send the Player (under super heavy supervision) to one of the towns and see what happens.

Out of the cage and into the happy arms of sex maniacs. But freedom at last. (And the game starts)

(Some spoilers ahead but is is necessary to discuss the game mechanics) Our capable player quickly discovers that one source of the Frenzies are the Dungeons scattered around the continent. They spread Corruption around their vicinity and turns good old townsfolk into sex fiends. No race is immune.
Dungeons have corrupted nearby inhabitants (such as various Monster Girls) and enslaved them as conduits of corruption. They are not beyond saving, however. The player found out that she/he have the power to liberate those poor creatures and free them from the influence of Corruption. ( As opposed to capturing in an earlier draft, it is now rescuing.)

The Player is then given greater freedom in her/his expeditions and takes control of the Nexus ( because nobody else could use it. ) The Nexus houses portals which allows for teleportation between various points of interest and is a resting place for the Player and her/his Party. The Player may also have the ability to shape, build and manage the Nexus however to her/his liking. ( Base building and management is a big feature and thus a may. )

Some points on how the lewds in combat work:
  • “Grab” action (from HR) is gone - too difficult to balance. However, there may be attacks that led directly into a grabbed state, like a pounce ability of a certain special enemy 
  • Grabbable units (player, companions, certain enemy) will enter a downed or vulnerable state when their HP is reduced to 0. Nearby enemies can then initiate the grab on the downed character. 
  • There is an escape meter, which when filled, will escape from the grab. It will use the first HR system, which is that the meter auto fills upon pressing any key. It is possible to remain grabbed forever by doing nothing. (The QTE based system is gone) 
  • Allies can free grabbed allied units by attacking the grabbing enemy. 
  • While grabbed, the character will regain HP but at the cost of lewdness and possible orgasm. After too many orgasms/too lewd, the character is K.O.ed (regardless of HP). If this is the player, then she will wake up in the previous safe zone with no memory of what occured on the previous day. 
  • Compatible moves is based the “organs” all the participants have. For example, if the grabber have “hands” and the grabbed have a penis, then a “hand job” (if the grabber knows it) is available for use. “Gender” is irrelevant. 
  • Yes, there will be males, but they are “second class citizens” to females form (for example, much less outfit selection) 
  • I also want the player to have some agency on which move will be used on her/him by the enemy, the exact mechanism TBD. 
  • Stand/Ground differentiation is gone, originally it was so the character can bring more than 4 moves into a match (since each move correspond to a dir key). This is no longer necessary.


  1. Great job so far, this is coming along nicely. One question : Do you think it will be possible to choose which gender the characters are found as? I mean, will it be possible for me to choose whether I can have only futa enemies, only female, or only male? or a mix of some?

    1. No, that would require each enemy to have a male and female equivalent, which is too much work to do.

    2. Oh, I get what you mean. That's ok, just thinking of doing a "futa only" playthrough hehe. Keep up the good work :)

  2. Interesiting. Tutorial comes naturally, freedom isn't free from responsability ... seems good. No rape context, very important ... yeah, seems nice!

  3. I like what I read, except for one thing, long ago was proposed sexual slavery in the game and we all said that if, in the case of that your character faint and appear in bed without further presuppose that is in safe place , I think you should faint Q to appear captured by the enemy in his farm, trap, plot, house, cave with the collar of slave and you have to escape somehow because he wants to rape you to get pregnant, also would be cool without more NPCs want To enslave you,It would also be cool that the NPCs try to deceive you with dialogue or when you give them back you slyest tie with an animation, throw you to his shoulder and you had to escape before he took you to his lair and enslaved you, I propose the idea that there are NPCs Slavers who sell you in an auction as a sex toy to normal NPCs and normal NPCs if you are not enslaved to give them back steal a piece of clothes and rape you, to be totally naked The slavers do not need to give them back as they persecute you to instantly bind and take you to enslave, put many NPCS slavers in safe places and with NPCS, this is just an idea for the slavery of NPCS, for enemies like bandits, Monsters and others just after the blackout you wake up in their enslaved plot

  4. You could do that the first time you catch an enemy are loose and go to rape until you get pregnant and more, if you escape and enslaved you put it harder for example you wake up in a medieval trap www(point)flickr(point)com/photos/bonolux/2891865153 or Tied, immobilized in some way, go slower etc

  5. I have noticed that Slash Princess Sakura is a game that has good sexual animations, it would be cool to take a look and added also some of their sexual poses for your game

  6. Since only a few comments gave the due compliments, wonderful job on the progress! I'm definitely waiting for the day the demo comes out. However, as some of the previous comments have mentioned, any ideas of making the death punishment stricter? I understand not wanting to make lose too hard on the players, so maybe in the understandably distant future we could have "risky" dungeons or the like? A "calm/safe" dungeon means that if you fail you wake up in your "home base" or the like, but a "risky" dungeon means that you get captured and have to escape. Maybe they could even have "risk levels" where higher risk levels mean you have to escape while locked in bondage or they may have traps (tentacle traps, bondage triggered by tripwires, web traps for spider monster girls and other themed things) on your way out. Obviously I am just some random person so my input should be a backburner idea, but maybe some reformat of this could be brought up for public voting/opinion? Regardless, you have been doing fantastic work, hope we can continue to see progress like this!

  7. This is pretty amazing. I'm new to the scene though, so sorry to ask but is there a way to save my game?
