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Monday, March 27, 2017

Introduction to Adventure Mode

With Nyaa-Chan finished, the next thing todo is Adventure Mode!

What is Adventure Mode exactly?

In short I want to expand Heroine Rumble include the following design elements:

- Asymmetry -> enemies with different power level than the main character(s), for example, "mobs" (numerous, but weak individually) and "bosses" (single unique tough enemy).

- Variety -> To succeed where the Endless Mode left off, and expand the range of encounters and moves in one play session. Possibly even augmenting the grapple system to have the moves usable vary based on which enemy is held rather than fixed to the default 8.

- Progression -> Add persistence to the game. Allow the player character to get stronger over time, rescue/corrupt allies that fight with you, and possibility start giving the player some options in customizing their character's moves and appearances.

Obviously it's going to take some time to implement all the features. In the first iteration I am aiming for lewd beat-em-up like Streets Of Rage. Fortunately, most of the hardwork were already done in Team Mode so it shouldn't be that far until it's playable. In the meantime, stay tuned!


  1. Sounds good. I'm really interested in a story mode similar to many training sims where a chosen character climbs the ranks to become champion within a wrestling league while making allies and rivals.

    I'm not asking for your adventure mode to be that, but if you can leave room for modding, I'd look forward to building it on my own.

  2. It Sounds so good. I expect characters relation(Like rival,friend,lover and enemy) will be changed by player character's action.

  3. thats nice, when is the public mode for the v0.343?! xD
